
Mother of Learning: ARC 3 & 4 - Signed Hardcover & Paperback

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

The final two entries into the 'Mother of Learning' series, coming to you in hardcover and paperback!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two Stretch Goals Down, One to Go!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 10:06:05 AM

Hi All!

In less than a day, y'all helped us blow through two stretch goals! Thank you! Not only will we be getting a second illustrated end sheet for both hardcovers, but we'll also be getting a single interior illustration for both books. Better still, the paperback editions of ARCs 3 & 4 will also include these illustrations!

Next up for us, at $150k, is something a little unique. We've done stretch goals for bookmarks in past campaigns, but this one is special. 

Back when we ran the campaign for Mother of Learning: ARC 1, we didn't have access to what we call 'Deluxe Bookmarks' and only offered fairly traditional paper bookmarks. As we planned for this campaign though, we wanted to see if we could make sure each book in the series had a deluxe foil bookmark to match. 

So, if we hit that last goal, we'll get ARC 1 Deluxe Bookmarks made, which will be available to everyone at a discounted price while the campaign is live. 

Let's see if we can get there!

Funded! Thank you!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 06:58:54 AM

Howdy, all!

And here we are once again, trying something we've never done. Two different books at once is a tall order, but y'all have delivered and helped us fund this groundbreaking project! Thank you so much!

We have a few exciting stretch goals ahead of us! First up, at $50k we'll be able to get additional illustrated end sheets for each hardcover. If we can get there, we'll also use these art pieces for the ARC 3 & 4 deluxe bookmarks! 

We have two more stretch goals after that, so let's see how far we can get!